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The 90 days Airbnb restriction in London

The 90 days Airbnb restriction in London is a regulation that limits the amount of time a person can rent their home on Airbnb to 90 days per year. This regulation was put in place in order to prevent people from using Airbnb as a full-time business, and to help ensure that Londoners have access to affordable housing. While the regulation may seem strict, it is actually quite reasonable, and it is not difficult to comply with.

1. Why was the 90 days Airbnb restriction introduced in London?

The 90 days Airbnb restriction was introduced in London to help control the city's housing crisis. By capping the amount of time people can stay in Airbnb rentals, it is hoped that more homes will become available for long-term residents. This is especially important in a city like London where housing costs are sky-high and there is a severe shortage of affordable homes.

2. How has the restriction affected Airbnb users in London?

The restriction has had a negative affect on Airbnb users in London. Before the regulation was put in place, Airbnb hosts in the city were making up to £6,000/month! After the limit was enforced in January 2022, however, that number has significantly dropped. Most Airbnb users in London are now only making a fraction of what they were before (and what they had been hoping for). However, it is still possible to make a decent amount of money.

3. What are the possible consequences of breaching the restriction?

A possible consequence of breaching the restriction is that the individual may be subject to civil or criminal penalties. Property owners who ignore the rule can risk fines of up to £20,000.

4. Are there any exceptions to the rule?

There are always exceptions to every rule. Unfortunately, the restriction does not make exceptions for family homes, so if you are renting out your parents’ home while they are on holiday somewhere else, that will count towards your Airbnb usage. However, the rule does make an exception for joint homes. If you are sharing your home with roommates and one of them is using the home more than the allotted time, that will not affect your eligibility.

5. How can I legally use Airbnb in London?

The "hybrid model" is a suggested way to rent out your property in London in order to maximise your profit. This model consists of the application of different types of rental use, Any stay of 90 days or more is not considered a short-let stay and will not count towards your annual allowance. Furthermore, the limit only applies to "entire home" listings, so you can always rent out a room or two!


The 90 days Airbnb restriction in London was a huge blow to the short-term rental industry in the city. However, if you pay attention to the rule and be careful not to breach it, you can still make good use of your home and generate extra income. Good luck and happy listing!

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